Why You Should Devote Significant Time To Web Page Copywriting

Several years ago I decided to start my first web site.  I chose Site Build It! because it was an all-in-one site-building-hosting-and-marketing system.  No need to get a web host or get involved in technical details.  I liked it and I still have this first site … because it makes money.

But the part of the website building process I wasn’t prepared for was when I read that I needed at least 30 web pages of written content.  How was I going to do that much web page copywriting?  Did I really have enough good keywords for 30+ pages.  (Each web page should focus on one keyword that people were searching on).

Somehow I came up with enough material to write over 80 pages over the next couple of years.  And a consultant found additional keywords related to my original keywords (involving book collecting) that I was  able to make $3,000 in one of the years.

Keep Writing – Google Expects it

Yes, you have to write many keyword-rich web pages just so people can start to find your site.  Then to maintain your position in Google searches you must continue to publish more pages … interesting and enlightening pages … or else Google will push your site further down in the rankings.

It’s a tremendous amount of work.  If you are a small business here’s how you can find material for your web site:

1.  Feature your employees at your company in their own web page

Highlight employees that customers have written or said nice things about.  Get a statement from these satisfied customers if you can.  Have the employees tell about themselves … what they do at work and after work.

2.  Add case studies or success stories

Have a customer tell how she used a product and describe the time or cost savings she received from it. Visitors and potential customers are much more interested in what other customers say … if the customer is believable.  So a YouTube video would be even better.

3.  Tell about the background of the owners and how they built the business.

Add a few pictures of your facilities both past and present.

Think Of Each Web Page As A Landing Page

Visitors don’t all enter your website through the home page.  Every one of your pages can be searched and its link clicked for entry into your website.  So do you want just four or five pages for them to enter?  Or forty to fifty pages?

You can greatly increase the number of visitors by adding many more pages.  Of course with each page based on a good keyword.

Each Web Page Should Be A Sales Letter

Yes, you read that right.  As much as possible, each page should have a sales purpose.  A good headline and lead with an interesting story or promise, testimonials or expert advice and an offer.

Here’s my offer:

Buy my copywriting services. Contact me now.