Sample of Sales Letter

Sales Letter for Puptastics Naturals Dog Treats

Bonnie and Clyde Almost Died … Eating Dog Treats

I will never forget that day three years ago. Our two young terriers became seriously ill.

They would not eat. They would not drink. They had no energy.

I rushed them to the vet. He quickly diagnosed the problem and began working on them. In 24 hours, he had them back on their feet. But it took several days of care for them to fully recover.

How could this happen? It was contaminated chicken jerky … a popular dog treat … imported from Asia. These were dog treats I thought were safe to give them. But, boy, was I wrong!

Thank goodness, Bonnie and Clyde made a quick recovery because of our vet’s quick action.

After this experience, my husband and I decided that we would start making and selling a natural, organic dog treat … made only with natural US grown food … containing all the nutrients your dog needs to stay healthy.

No junk food for your dog or mine. Balanced tasty treats.

Our goal is to guard your dog’s health by giving him complete nutrition … in a bite-size snack.

Why Haven’t Dog Owners Been Told The Facts About Dog Snacks?

Look at the ingredients on the package of your dog’s treats … you may see they are just dog cookies … wheat flour, sugar, a small amount of protein … with binders like cornstarch and flavorings.

Some treats even look like Oreo cookies.  Your dog is getting extra calories he doesn’t need. Later in his life, he may get obese. He may develop diabetes, arthritis or heart disease.

Other dog treats are cheap dried meat products usually imported from overseas. But … how were they prepared? How were they stored? How old are they?

Do you know? Do you trust these products? I sure don’t.

Dear Dog Lovers,

My name is Rachel Kalen. My husband Doug and I own Furry Friends Natural Products. We breed terriers and we live in Grayslake, Illinois about an hour’s drive north of Chicago.

After the shocking incident with our border terriers, Bonnie and Clyde … we decided we needed to develop and sell a dog treat that dog owners could trust.

We began talking to veterinarians in the Chicago area and corresponded with Marion Nestle, an animal nutritionist at New York University.

Here’s what we decided should go into our treats…

37 Nutrients Your Dog Needs Everyday

Complete and balanced … that’s what your dog food should say on the back package label.

Complete and balanced means 22.5% protein, 8.5% fat and with several vitamins and minerals.

Complete and balanced is 37 total nutrients.

The American Association of Feed Control Officials – AAFCO – developed the list of nutrients for the manufacturers.

But dog treats are treated differently.  Did you know … dog treats don’t have to be “complete and balanced” … because … they are a snack or supplement.

That’s the way the guidelines for dog food are written. But our product is complete and balanced.

Puptastic Naturals are unique because we put all 37 nutrients into the treats.

It’s not just a snack or treat … it’s a mini-meal!

It’s one of the many ways we help guard your dog’s health. And here’s another …

Meet Ann, Your Dog’s Guardian Angel

A guardian angel for your dog? Well, that’s what Doug calls her. We’re so lucky to have her.

Ann is a research chemist. She came to work for us from a large dog food company in St. Louis.

What does Ann do? She analyzes and checks the quality of our products every day.

It’s her job to verify that all 37 nutrients are in Puptastic Naturals.

And she keeps up with the changing state and federal requirements. It’s an enormous job.

But she does so many other things:

• Visits with local veterinarians

• Checks with local farmers on meat and produce

• Works with our purchaser to make sure we have the right ingredients and supplements

• She makes sure the preparation rooms are spotless … even a human could safely eat these dog treats

• But as busy as she is … she will even answer your questions by e-mail

She has a dog too and understands your concerns about nutrition.
Oh. By the way. Ann came up with a unique idea for the 37th nutrient. It’s a secret we will tell you about a little later.

But, first … here’s where we get our ingredients.

Natural, Organic Food Fresh from the Farm

We get our meat … beef, chicken, lamb and turkey … from nearby farms in the rolling hills of Illinois. These farms remind me of my grandfather’s farm where I spent many weekends when I was a child.

The farmers raise their animals much as they did in the 1950s. The chickens are not crowded into cages but can come and go from hen houses into the nearby farmyard. The cows and sheep roam and graze in green grass pastures.

These farmers use no antibiotics or hormones. And they don’t feed their animals genetically modified grains. The farmers sell organically grown steaks and chops to fine restaurants in Chicago. We buy lean cuts of shoulder and leg meat from them for our dog treats.

We pay more for the meat we get from these farmers …but we hope it will give you some peace of mind … knowing the source of your pet’s food is organically grown on US farms.

We only use natural ingredients in our dog treats. What I mean is we use no artificial preservatives such as BHT or BHA. The only preservatives we use are vitamins C and D. And there is no salt or artificial colors in our dog treats. Dogs don’t need salt and they are colorblind anyway.

We buy our rice and potatoes from farms in other states that also use organic practices … they don’t use genetically modified seeds on their farms and no pesticides.

We insist on natural and organic in our products.

Puptastic Naturals Come in Five Natural Flavors

Why five? Your dog likes and needs variety. He will be less likely to develop allergies.
We tested various combinations of protein, fruit and grains.

We discovered our dogs and our friends’ dogs liked these best. We think your dog like them too.

Chicken and apple

• Turkey and cranberry

• Lamb and blueberry

• Beef and pears

• Liver and sweet potatoes

We combine a protein with a fruit for sweetness dogs love but without the sugar. All of these flavors also have a carbohydrate base of rice and potatoes for the balance we’ve been talking about.

All of the flavors are baked into a crunchy dog bone shape except for the liver flavor.

Liver Flavor Treats Are Designed for Training Your Dog

The liver and sweet potato flavor is a … small, soft treat … that your dog will love when you use it for:

• Obedience Training

• Junior Handling

• Dog Show Training

Or any type of training where you need a quick reward for good performance.

We Get Many Compliments on Our Puptastic Naturals

“Bentley just goes bonkers for your liver treats … we’ve been using your treats to train him on his good manners. It’s such a comfort to know I’m giving Bentley a healthy treat every time he sits patiently or comes when called. I think your Puptastic Naturals are fantastic!” – J. Jefferson, St. Joseph, MO

“In the overwhelming sea of dog treat choices out there, it’s important to find a truly healthy snack for dogs. I’m very impressed with the integrity of your business and I recommend Puptastic Naturals to all my clients looking for health treats for training or just anytime. We are proud to be one of the first veterinary clinics to carry your products.” – S. Karovski, DVM Chicago, IL

“There is so much confusion about natural dog treats that I’m glad to have found your treats. Your ingredients are the real deal and I respect that you work with local farms that you inspect yourself. Thank you so much for producing a quality product for our pups.” – C. Dale, Naperville, IL

“Just received the treats for my dogs. I would say that they liked them. They were licking the floor where they dropped them. It has been a couple of days now and they keep going to the door, giving me that pitiful puppy look (they are grown) and scratching the door. We decided they were special once or twice a week treats but I am weakening as I type this. Great.” – Larry S., Madisonville, LA

“We received our delivery of Pupastic Naturals this afternoon and I have one very happy dog! Sadie loves them! She is laying in front of the refrigerator hoping for more. Thanks, guys. I will be ordering again soon.” – Judy K., Van Buren, AR.

“Bought a box today at McKinney Trade days for my 4 babies. They loved them! Will definitely order more! Great product!” – Patricia B., Lewisville, TX

13 Foods We Never Use in Puptastic Naturals

Did you know many foods we eat are toxic to dogs? Or could upset your dog’s system?

Guardian Angel Ann makes sure we have none of these in our factory kitchen:

• Alcohol – dogs are more sensitive to alcohol than humans – causes vomiting and lack of coordination
• Avocados – contain persin, which can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and heart congestion
• Chocolate – contains theobromine and theophylline, which can be toxic, cause panting, vomiting, and diarrhea, and damage your dog’s heart and nervous systems
• Corn – kernels can upset the digestive tract
• Grapes and raisins – contain a toxin that can cause severe liver damage and kidney failure
• Macadamia nuts – contain a toxin that can inhibit locomotory activities, resulting in weakness, panting and swollen limbs
• Milk – most dogs are lactose-intolerant
• Onions and garlic – contain disulfides and sulfoxides, both of which can cause anemia and damage red blood cells
• Peach pits and all seeds – can cause intestinal obstruction and enteritis
• Salt – can lead to an imbalance in electrolyte levels, dehydration and potentially diarrhea.
• Sugar – causes dental issues, obesity, and even diabetes
• Xylitol (artificial sweetener) – small amounts can cause low blood sugar, seizures, liver failure, even death for your pup
• Yeast – can cause intestinal bloating

We won’t ever use these ingredients in our treats. We work hard to guard your dog’s health.

Shiny Fur and Smooth Skin

Our natural, organic treats will protect your dog’s health.

Puptastic Naturals will keep your dog alert and playful.

With fur shiny and full, not brittle and dull.

Skin smooth, not dry or blotchy.

Eyes bright and alert.

Not An Ordinary Treat

Our treats stand out among the dozens of other dog treats. We really help guard your dog’s health in many ways.

Puptastic Naturals is the only one that is complete and balanced with 37 recommended nutrients.

Buy Puptastic Naturals today!

… available at many fine pet foods stores.

Here’s The Right Way to Treat Your Dog

We’ve tried to come up with a dog treat that is safe, natural and organic but we didn’t stop there. We made sure Puptastic Naturals had:

• Five tempting flavors your dog will like.

• Two convenient sizes … one for training and one for everyday munching.

• All 37 recommended nutrients … no supplemental vitamins and minerals are needed.

• No artificial preservatives or colors. We use only Vitamins C and E to keep the treats fresh … and pack them in a recloseable bag.

• No antibiotics or hormones in the meat. So no worries for you.

• Available from fine pet food stores or our web site at

• No corn, soy, wheat or sugar … minimizes the potential for allergies or digestive upsets.

• No fillers … we don’t waste your money.

• All ingredients are from local farms or US farms that we have inspected.

Buy Puptastic Naturals today for your dog … available at fine pet food stores everywhere

Get two coupons for 25% off our normal price … only for the next 90 days

Think These Treats Are Too Expensive For Your Dog?

Not when you are protecting your dog’s health. Have you been to a vet recently? A visit isn’t cheap.

A visit to the vet can cost hundreds of dollars. And you certainly want to avoid any emergency trips.

Be careful what you feed to your dog.

Treat him with Puptastic Naturals.

Get Puptastic Naturals at 25% Off our Regular Price

Our dog treats come in a two-pound box with two recloseable bags. The retail price is $16.95

For the next 90 days, you can get Puptastic Naturals at $12.69.

… and Get A Free Trial Size Package

Want to see how your dog likes our product? Just send your name and address to us at the address listed below.

You’ll get a free trial size package and two coupons for 25% off.

Listen To the Expert

As our close friend and author of Natural Dog Care, Dr. Bruce Fogle likes to say …

“Dogs instinctively feed like pigs … they are competitive gorgers that eat fast and as much as possible … this can result in obesity”

Our terriers always seem to be hungry. Clyde especially.

We know they don’t need extra food. But given a chance they will eat til they bust.

But listen … we have friends with a diabetic dog. They overfed her with sugary snacks.

Now they have to inject insulin in their dog each day.

They say it’s really a hassle. You don’t want that for your dog.

“Feeding a dog is like feeding a baby – neither has much to say about what he eats.” Again from Dr. Fogle.

Be careful. Give your dog complete and balanced food …

And a sensible amount of treats … Puptastic Naturals treats. Of course.

Now here is how to get them…

Hurry to Get Puptastic Naturals at 25% Off the Retail Price!

Give your dog a safe treat with natural, organic ingredients grown only in the US.

• Five tempting flavors your dog will like

• Two convenient sizes … one for training and one for everyday munching

• All 37 recommended nutrients … no supplemental vitamins and minerals are needed
For the next 90 days, you can get two pounds of Puptastic Naturals at $12.69 with a coupon

… plus …

Get a free trial size package of all five flavors for you dog to try

Our No-Risk Guarantee

If for any reason, you are unhappy with your purchase, our helpful customer service representatives will refund your money with no questions asked.

Get two 25% off coupons and a free trial size package now!

Just mail your name and address to:

Puptastic Naturals Trial Size

P. O. Box 976

Grayslake, IL

Or visit our web site at

Or use the order form that came with this letter.

Rachel Kalen
Rachel Kalen, President
Furry Friends Natural Products, Co.


Our Puptastic Naturals dog treats contain all the amino acids, fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals your dog needs.

But we also add a secret ingredient, finely ground chia seed. It has high quality omega-3 oils and a high percent of protein.

Why chia for your pet? Guardian Angel Ann tells us it’s a more stable form of omega-3 oil.

Fish oil can go rancid over time even with antioxidants added.

But chia won’t. It’s simply the best form of omega-3 to put in dog treats.

And chia is only found in Puptastic Naturals dog treats.


(this letter was written for a copywriting training class from AWAI)