Headlines: What the Copywriting Masters Can Teach Us

How To Write Attention-Grabbing Headlines “Your headline has only one job – to stop your prospect and compel him to read the second sentence of your ad.” – Eugene Schwartz, Breakthrough Advertising Every newspaper, advertisement, magazine, sales letter,...

Are You Committing These 7 Website Sins?

Don’t Commit These Seven Website Sins Do you remember the late 1990s when the first web sites appeared on the internet? You saw a lot of flashing pictures … eyeballs and heads … floating banners … awful color combinations … several fonts...

What is Copywriting?

What is Copywriting and How Can It Help Your Business? Copywriting is any writing that offers a product or service for sale.  It’s the words used in advertising used in newspaper ads, magazines and on television. Copywriters often write the long sales letters...