Copywriting Bio For Bob Morse

Bob Morse – Copywriting bio


Hello, my name is Bob Morse

I am currently working as a chemical engineer for an energy company. My 35+ years of experience include strategic planning, project economics and operations optimization.

In my job I use PowerPoint presentations to sell projects to management.  I have written and presented white papers at conventions.

In 2000, I was trained in a continuous improvement process known as Six Sigma. Jack Welch at General Electric was one of the early leaders of this movement.

I earned a “Black Belt” after about a year of study and after concluding a successful quality improvement project.

My Web Sites

In the early 2000s I became interested in building a web site. But it was not until 2007 that I found which offered a simple step-by-step system to develop a web site. Using this system I built a book collecting web site and learned the essentials of search engine optimization, correct web site structure, newsletter writing and making money through Google Adsense.

Though I made several mistakes, the website has made a few thousand dollars … and even today with working only one hour a month, it makes over $1000 per year.

In 2011, I developed a second website … a membership site … using WordPress because Sitesell did not have a membership option. I ran the site for four years writing hundreds of posts … and again I made a few thousand dollars.

My Copywriting Business

Over the last several years I studied web writing techniques and the basics of copywriting … to help improve the posts and articles on my web sites.

In 2013, I found an AWAI copywriting course I had purchased in 2002 for my daughter and became intrigued with the idea of writing on-line copy and sales letters for businesses.

I took copywriting courses and read the books of the masters of advertising and copywriting of the last century.

Once I understood copywriting, I noticed that many business web sites were not using the latest internet marketing and copywriting techniques.

So I began my business to help local (Houston) and B2B companies improve their web sites and direct mail marketing.

Please contact me and let me tell you about the latest web marketing techniques that can help your business.